dtrace on macOS

2023-01-30 · 1 min read

    setup: disable system integrity protection for dtrace #

    By default, macOS won't let you run dtrace, even when run as root. Fortunately we can can carve out a specific exception for dtrace. To do that we'll have to boot into recovery mode:

    1. Turn off the computer.
    2. Hold down the power button for ~10 sec, until a screen pops up with two options.
    3. Select "Options" to boot into recovery mode.
    4. Ignore the initial screen and instead select "Terminal" from the top bar.
    5. Run csrutil enable --without dtrace.
    6. Reboot normally.

    Once you're booted back in, try running sudo dtruss bash -c echo foo and you should see some output.

    syscall counts of running process #

    $ sudo dtrace -n 'syscall:::entry/pid == 1234/{ @syscalls[probefunc] = count(); }'
    # .. collect data, then hit CTRL-C .. #
    chmod                                                             3
    close                                                             3
    fchown                                                            3
    rename                                                            3
    getuid                                                            5
    lstat64                                                           6
    # ..
    fcntl                                                           105
    open_nocancel                                                   313
    fcntl_nocancel                                                  322
    fstat64                                                         322
    close_nocancel                                                  391
    read                                                            465
    write                                                           480
    stat64                                                          685
    kevent                                                         1333

    trace bytes read by all processes #

    $ sudo dtrace -n "syscall::read:entry { @bytes[execname] = sum(arg2); }"
    dtrace: description 'syscall::read:entry ' matched 1 probe
    sudo                                                              2
    plugin-container                                                 10
    karabiner_observer                                             4096
    tmux                                                           4096
    karabiner_console_user_server                                  8192
    karabiner_session_monitor                                      9216
    cfprefsd                                                      17665
    firefox                                                       32787
    git                                                           33225
    karabiner_grabber                                             38912
    Karabiner-DriverKit-VirtualHIDDe                              51200
    postgres                                                      57397
    locationd                                                     57680
    sharingd                                                      57680
    Obsidian Helper (Renderer)                                   399360
    mds                                                         1326816
    fseventsd                                                   1777432
    alacritty                                                   4194560
    mdworker_shared                                             5242880

    trace spawned processes #

    $ sudo dtrace -qn "syscall::posix_spawn:entry { printf(\"%Y %s\n\", walltimestamp, copyinstr(arg1)); }"
    ^[2023 Jan 30 13:29:50 /usr/bin/git
    2023 Jan 30 13:29:50 /usr/bin/git
    2023 Jan 30 13:29:52 /usr/libexec/xpcproxy
    2023 Jan 30 13:29:52 /opt/homebrew/opt/postgresql@14/bin/postgres
    2023 Jan 30 13:29:55 /usr/libexec/xpcproxy
    2023 Jan 30 13:29:55 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mdworker_shared
    2023 Jan 30 13:30:02 /usr/libexec/xpcproxy
    2023 Jan 30 13:30:02 /opt/homebrew/opt/postgresql@14/bin/postgres
    2023 Jan 30 13:30:05 /usr/libexec/xpcproxy
    2023 Jan 30 13:30:05 /usr/sbin/newsyslog
    2023 Jan 30 13:30:12 /usr/libexec/xpcproxy
    2023 Jan 30 13:30:12 /opt/homebrew/opt/postgresql@14/bin/postgres

    Find longest syscalls #

    $ sudo dtrace -qn \
    	'syscall:::entry { self->ts = timestamp; } syscall:::return/self->ts/ { printf("%d µs, %s\n", (timestamp - self->ts) / 1000, probefunc); self->ts = 0; }' \
        -c 'bash -c "python3 -c \"print(123)\""' \
    	| sort -h
    42 µs, ioctl
    44 µs, open_nocancel
    44 µs, shared_region_check_np
    351 µs, execve
    943 µs, ioctl
    1279 µs, workq_kernreturn
    1348 µs, psynch_cvwait

    some oneliners #

    # Files opened by process. Very useful when reversing:
    dtrace -n 'syscall::open*:entry { printf("%s %s", execname, copyinstr(arg0)); }'
    # Syscall count by program:
    dtrace -n 'syscall:::entry { @num[execname] = count(); }'
    # Syscall count by syscall:
    dtrace -n 'syscall:::entry { @num[probefunc] = count(); }'
    # Syscall count by PID:
    dtrace -n 'syscall:::entry { @num[pid,execname] = count(); }'
    # Read bytes by process:
    dtrace -n 'syscall::read:entry { @bytes[execname] = sum(arg0); }'
    # Periodic breakdown of written bytes by process:
    dtrace -n 'syscall::write:* { @bytes[execname] = sum(arg0); } tick-5sec { printa(@bytes); trunc(@bytes); }'
    # Read size distribution by process:
    dtrace -n 'syscall::read:entry { @dist[execname] = quantize(arg0); }'
    # Write size distribution by process:
    dtrace -n 'syscall::write:entry { @dist[execname] = quantize(arg0); }'
    # Disk size (in blocks) by process:
    dtrace -n 'io:::start { printf("%d %s %d", pid, execname, args[0]->b_bcount); }'
    # Pages paged in by process:
    dtrace -n 'vminfo::vm_fault_enter:pgin { @pg[execname] = sum(arg0); }'
    # Minor faults by process:
    dtrace -n 'vminfo:::as_fault { @mem[execname] = sum(arg0); }'
    # Interrupts by CPU:
    dtrace -n 'sdt:::interrupt-start { @num[cpu] = count(); }'
    # New processes with arguments and time:
    dtrace -qn 'syscall::exec*:return { printf("%Y %s\n",walltimestamp,curpsinfo->pr_psargs); }'
    # Successful signal details:
    dtrace -n 'proc:::signal-send /pid/ { printf("%s -%d %d",execname,args[2],args[1]->pr_pid); }'
    # System call breakdown for the process with PID 31337:
    dtrace -n syscall:::entry'/pid == 31337/{ @syscalls[probefunc] = count(); }'
    # Tracking memory page faults for process:
    dtrace -n 'vminfo:::as_fault { @mem[execname] = sum(arg0); }'
    # iOS Intruments-like malloc size distribution plot:
    dtrace -n 'pid$target::malloc:entry { @ = quantize(arg0); }' -p PID
    # Memory allocation via malloc by stack trace and requested size:
    dtrace -n 'pid$target::malloc:entry { @[ustack()] = sum(arg0); }' -p PID
    # Rate of disk I/O:
    dtrace -n 'io:::start { @io = count(); } tick-1sec { printa("Disk I/Os per second: %@d\n", @io); trunc(@io); }'

    trace spawned processes w/ full arguments #

    // file: /usr/local/bin/traceexec.d
    #!/usr/sbin/dtrace -C -s
    #pragma D option quiet
    // remember that probes are executed _in the order they appear in the file_
    // and that probe-local variables (this->XXX) are shared across activated
    // probes.
    // Since `arg0` and `argv[idx]` are in user-space and probes are run in
    // kernel-space, we have to first `copyin[str](..)` the user-space strings
    // before we can process them.
    /pid == $target || progenyof($target)/
        this->path = copyinstr(arg0);
        this->argv = args[1];
    /pid == $target || progenyof($target)/
        this->path = copyinstr(arg1);
        this->argv = args[3];
    #define SAFE_ARGC(idx) ((this->argc != (idx) || this->argv[(idx)] == NULL) ? this->argc : (this->argc + 1))
    #define SAFE_ARGV(idx) ((this->argc > (idx)) ? copyinstr((user_addr_t) this->argv[(idx)]) : "")
    /pid == $target || progenyof($target)/
        // DTrace doesn't support loops, so we have to manually unroll the argc
        // and argv processing.
        this->argc = 0;
        this->argc = SAFE_ARGC(0);
        this->argc = SAFE_ARGC(1);
        this->argc = SAFE_ARGC(2);
        this->argc = SAFE_ARGC(3);
        this->argc = SAFE_ARGC(4);
        this->argc = SAFE_ARGC(5);
        this->argc = SAFE_ARGC(6);
        this->argc = SAFE_ARGC(7);
        this->argc = SAFE_ARGC(8);
        this->argc = SAFE_ARGC(9);
        printf("%d\t", pid);
        printf("%d\t", ppid);
        printf("%Y\t", walltimestamp);
        printf("%s\t", this->path);
        printf("%s ", SAFE_ARGV(1));
        printf("%s ", SAFE_ARGV(2));
        printf("%s ", SAFE_ARGV(3));
        printf("%s ", SAFE_ARGV(4));
        printf("%s ", SAFE_ARGV(5));
        printf("%s ", SAFE_ARGV(6));
        printf("%s ", SAFE_ARGV(7));
        printf("%s ", SAFE_ARGV(8));
        printf("%s ", SAFE_ARGV(9));
    #undef SAFE_ARGC
    #undef SAFE_ARGV

    reference #

    Oracle - Dynamic Tracing Guide (pdf)